14 research outputs found

    The Question about Public Policy in Case of the Kaliningrad Oblast: Russian Exclave vs. Enclave Surrounded by the European Union

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    The problem of enclaves/enclaves in the theory of IR opens an interesting field of study, not only because of the actual phenomena and processes accompanying the formation of said entities, but also due to inaccuracies and variances in the very terms in use, especially in the field of public policy. The Kaliningrad Oblast is either an enclave (from the point of view of the EU, NATO, as well as Poland and Lithuania), or an exclave (from the point of view of the Russian Federation). The status of the region as perceived by the Western countries and organisations differs from the Russian standpoint. The Kaliningrad Oblast always would be a region of external influences of the West, an element of their foreign, security and economic policies, while for Russia Kaliningrad is a sphere of its domestic governance, although shaped by many international determinants resulting from its geographical location. This paper is aimed at examining public policy of the EU and neighbouring countries towards the Kaliningrad Oblast in the context of its specific geographical location and legal status. Possibilities of the region’s incorporation in the EU’s neighbourhood is also emphasized in the paper as an important factor affecting the position of the Kaliningrad Oblast

    Czy oznaczanie stężeń peptydów natriuretycznych BNP i NT-proBNP przynosi korzyści w postępowaniu z pacjentem z nagłą dusznością?

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    W badaniach z ostatnich lat wykazano, że ocena peptydów natriuretycznych przeprowadzona u pacjentów z dusznością pozwala znacznie zwiększyć dokładność, z jaką może być wykluczone lub potwierdzone rozpoznanie niewydolności serca. Tym niemniej do dziś nie udało się jednoznacznie ustalić, czy wprowadzenie do rutynowej diagnostyki oznaczeń peptydów natriuretycznych u tych pacjentów mogłoby przynieść wymierne korzyści farmakoekonomiczne. Część badaczy sugeruje wręcz, że oznaczanie BNP i NT-proBNP w tej grupie pacjentów ma jedynie znaczenie poznawcze i nie przekłada się na zmianę postępowania diagnostyczno-terapeutycznego. Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie wyników badań — zarówno tych, w których skupiono się na ocenie roli peptydów natriuretycznych w dokonaniu właściwego rozpoznania, jak i tych, w których analizowano potencjalne farmakoekonomiczne korzyści wykonania takiego oznaczenia. Choroby Serca i Naczyń 2011, 8 (4), 215–22

    Współczesna przestrzeń polityczna. Ewolucja czy rewolucja?

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    Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed paperCelem publikacji jest ukazanie wieloaspektowych przemian w sferze współczesnej polityki. Książka została podzielona na trzy części. Część pierwszą stanowią teksty autorów z Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego. Druga część publikacji analizuje problematykę polskiej rzeczywistości politycznej. Ostatnia, trzecia część zbioru, to omówienie wybranych kwestii i dotyczących zmian na międzynarodowej scenie politycznej

    Mechanisms of shortening distance in tabloid media on the example of "Fakt" and "Super Express"

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    Celem pracy jest odpowiedź na pytanie, jak wyglądają mechanizmy skracania dystansu w mediach tabloidowych oraz wskazanie repertuaru środków językowych wykorzystanych w tychże mediach do skrócenia dystansu pomiędzy tabloidem, a czytelnikiem. Analiza ta zostanie przeprowadzona na przykładzie dzienników „Fakt” i „Super Express” oraz internetowych portali rozrywkowo-sensacyjnych. Praca zawrze w sobie analizę medioznawczą, profil odbiorcy mediów tabloidowych oraz osobiste refleksje dotyczące tematyki pracy.The purpose of the paper is to answer the question of how shortening the gap in tabloid media looks like and how the repertoire of language resources is used in the media to shorten the distance between the tabloid and the reader. This analysis will be conducted on the newspapers such as "Fakt" and "Super Express" and on the Internet entertainment and sensation websites. The paper will include media analysis, the tabloid media consumer profile and personal reflections regarding this topic

    Shockvertising as a technique used in advertising posters - analysis of selected sexist ads

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    Niniejsza praca skupia się na analizie zjawiska seksizmu w reklamie szokującej, stosowanego w tradycyjnych i elektronicznych plakatach przez wybrane marki działające na polskim i zagranicznym rynku. Celem pracy jest omówienie stosunku respondentów do reklamy szokującej, upowszechnianej na plakatach reklamowych. Przyjęto hipotezę, że reklama szokująca jest skutecznym narzędziem wpływającym na stosunek konsumentów do treści reklamy i podejmowane przez nich decyzje. Główne pytanie badawcze brzmi: czy szok stosowany w reklamach seksistowskich jest skutecznym narzędziem perswazyjnym i jaki jest stosunek odbiorców do tego typu reklam? Pytania szczegółowe pracy to: czy shockvertising rzeczywiście szokuje i wywiera skrajne emocje na odbiorcach? Jakie środki są stosowane w celu wywołania szoku u odbiorcy w reklamach seksistowskich? W celu udzielenia odpowiedzi na powyższe pytania zastosowano metodę badawczą ilościową – badania ankietowe. Narzędziem był kwestionariusz ankietowy (elektroniczny). Pomocne w pisaniu pracy okazały się zarówno publikacje naukowe, jak i internetowe. Analizowana problematyka ze względu na ujęcie tematu, a zwłaszcza część empiryczna, wypełnia lukę badawczą. Powyższa problematyka wpisuje się w przedmiot dociekań naukowych z zakresu nauki o zarządzaniu humanistycznym, albowiem ukazuje wpływ człowieka na działalność organizacji w kontekście przygotowywanych kampanii marketingowych, zwłaszcza reklamowych.This thesis focuses on analyzing the phenomenon of sexism in advertising, used in traditional and electronic posters by selected brands operating on the Polish and foreign market. The purpose of the work is to discuss the respondents' attitude to shocking advertising disseminated on advertising posters. The hypothesis was adopted that shocking advertising is an effective tool affecting the attitude of consumers to the content of advertising and decisions making. The main research question is: is the shock used in sexist advertisements an effective persuasive tool and what is the attitude of the recipients towards this type of advertising? The specific questions of the thesis are: Does shockvertising really shock and cause extreme emotions to the recipients? What measures are used to cause shock to the recipient in sexist ads? In order to answer the above questions, a quantitative research method was used - surveys. The tool was a survey questionnaire (electronic). Both scientific and internet publications have been helpful in writing the thesis. The analyzed issues due to the approach to the topic, and especially the empirical part, fill the research gap. The above-mentioned issues are part of the subject of scientific research on the subject of humanistic management, because it shows the impact of man on the organization's activities in the context of prepared marketing campaigns, especially advertising

    The Question about Public Policy in Case of the Kaliningrad Oblast: Russian Exclave vs. Enclave Surrounded by the European Union

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    The problem of enclaves/enclaves in the theory of IR opens an interesting field of study, not only because of the actual phenomena and processes accompanying the formation of said entities, but also due to inaccuracies and variances in the very terms in use, especially in the field of public policy. The Kaliningrad Oblast is either an enclave (from the point of view of the EU, NATO, as well as Poland and Lithuania), or an exclave (from the point of view of the Russian Federation). The status of the region as perceived by the Western countries and organisations differs from the Russian standpoint. The Kaliningrad Oblast always would be a region of external influences of the West, an element of their foreign, security and economic policies, while for Russia Kaliningrad is a sphere of its domestic governance, although shaped by many international determinants resulting from its geographical location. This paper is aimed at examining public policy of the EU and neighbouring countries towards the Kaliningrad Oblast in the context of its specific geographical location and legal status. Possibilities of the region’s incorporation in the EU’s neighbourhood is also emphasized in the paper as an important factor affecting the position of the Kaliningrad Oblast

    The Development of Lithuanian Statehood in Years 1918–1940

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    The Lithuanian historiography is not a novelty in Polish academic literature. The attempts undertaken many times by historians to examine the Lithuanian past are fully justified by the common history of the Polish and Lithuanian lands. It is worth stressing that there are still many controversial questions in this area, which have not been answered in both Lithuanian and Polish academic circles. Taking into account the basic facts from Lithuanian history in the 20th century, when Lithuanians undertook the first actions towards developing a state which would be officially recognized by the international community, it should not be surprising that it is a subject frequently discussed by the newest studies, which continually refer to the equally rich literature of the earlier period. The researchers ascribe considerable significance to the circumstances, in which the independent Lithuanian state came into being and to its functioning in the interwar period, in years 1918–1940 . What also had a strong influence on this process were the following events in the history of the state, when Lithuania was in the end incorporated into the Soviet Union

    New European Diasporas and Migration Governance : Poles in Norway

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    The EU has usually considered immigration policy for third country nationals and the free movement framework for EU citizens to be two separate policy fields. Increasingly, they are being conflated. This places a country such as Poland in an ambivalent position. When it comes to the treatment of third country nationals, Central and Eastern European member governments—including that in Warsaw—are reluctant to agree on fixed quotas to relocate forced migrants from the south, fearing that this could strain their limited resources and entail heavy political costs. When it comes to free movement, by contrast, Poland and other sending countries of the region are having to defend the status of their own citizens residing in Western Europe and call on support and solidarity there. This report examines how this may affect the specific situation of the Polish migrant community in Norway. Poland can draw lessons from Norway, which has only recently made the transition to becoming a country of immigration

    Increased Markers of Oxidative Stress and Positive Correlation Low-Grade Inflammation with Positive Symptoms in the First Episode of Schizophrenia in Drug-Naïve Patients

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    Schizophrenia is a severe and chronic mental illness usually diagnosed in adolescents and young adults. Many studies indicate that oxidative stress causes membrane dysfunction and cell damage, which is implicated in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. The purpose of our study was to evaluate oxidative stress markers (the main primary products of lipid peroxidation, lipid hydroperoxides (LOOH), and end products of lipid peroxidation, malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione (GSH), and Ferric Reducing Ability of Plasma (FRAP)) in the plasma of patients with the first episode of schizophrenia in drug-naïve patients (22 men and 12 women aged 17–29). The control group (Ctrl) comprised 26 healthy subjects (19 men and 7 women, aged 18–30 years). The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) was applied to evaluate psychotic symptoms. Analyses of the oxidative stress variables revealed an increased level of SOD (U/mL) in subjects with schizophrenia versus control group. In addition, lipid damage measured as LOOHs µ (mol/L) and MDA was significantly higher in patients with schizophrenia in comparison to control subjects. There was a positive correlation between MDA µmol/L and PANSS P and a positive correlation between C-reactive protein (CRP) and the PANSS P scale. The elevated level of superoxide dismutase in patients with the first episode of schizophrenia can be explained by compensatory mechanisms to counteract oxidative stress. Malondialdehyde can be used as a simple biomarker of low-grade systemic inflammation associated with oxidative stress. A positive correlation between CRP and PANSS P scale and MDA and PANSS P scale may indicate a significant relationship between the development of low-grade inflammation and damage associated with oxidative stress in the development of the first symptoms of schizophrenia